One of the questions I get asked the most is “why hasn’t my coaching business taken off yet?” followed by “why aren’t my offers selling online?”. Well social sellers, it’s not about knowing your ideal client inside out or that you’re trying to build a course before you’re ready. In fact it has nothing to do with your offer and everything to do with YOU and your audience. In order to sell on social media you need to call your warm audience to action!
As a private practice owner you know that you’re responsible for filling several roles within your company on any given day. When it comes to selling online offers, you need to understand that among other things, you’re now a bonafide sales professional.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be scary & you don’t need another degree – seriously. So what do you need?
Warming your audience up is simply the process you’ll take them through to have them ready to interact with you online and buy your offer. Warming up your audience can help you to:
When it comes to social selling you might hear myths that are misleading at best. Let’s bust em!
“You need a large audience”
“You need sky high engagement”
Ultimately, these myths are just misconceptions that exist in this space. How you show up to serve is far more important than the size of your audience/following.
While your engagement can be a great way to gauge how warm your audience is to particular offers & topics it’s important to understand that when we sell online or engagement rates naturally decline. There are people watching you online who will buy your offers without ever liking, commenting or chatting with you in the DMs.
To identify a warm audience watch out for these signs and cues:
Conversely, here’s what you may be experiencing on Instagram with a cold audience:
Use your content marketing to sell for you while understanding you’ll need to sell both directly and indirectly. Ensure your content marketing strategy includes:
And then you’ll also need to sell — indirectly and directly.
Indirect sales = Mentions that allow your audience to come to their own conclusion to purchase with you
This looks like talking about your programs/offers/services as they’re happening in real time. Talking about the transformations your clients are experiencing and the success you’re seeing by practicing what you preach.
Direct sales = Offering a direct pitch and call to action for a prospect to take
This looks like straight up, shamelessly selling. Remember: Selling is serving.
Remember social sellers, if you can become marginally better at marketing and sales you can exponentially increase your bottom line. My advice to you is to STOP spending time perfecting your ideal client avatar or your offer itself and start experimenting with selling online.