What’s the stickiest part of the business of being online? Hard to say for certain (otherwise I wouldn’t have a whole podcast dedicated to it, duh 💁♀️) but today, we’re diving into an exercise that’s all about celebrating your wins, big and small, to help you move forward with confidence and creativity.
I call it the Fat Stacks Inventory List, it’s a tool to help you draw momentum from your past achievements and propel yourself forward. Let’s fucking go, I guess?
Before we can fully dive in I have to tell you about my paperbag puppet alter ego. Her name is Brenna and I actually think of her as an A-L-T-A-R ego, because to imagine and dream up, this other version of me is an act of divination. Having this physical representation of the internal and external work I’m doing and striving for is fun to tap into.
I suspect it’s similar to future-self work. I want to explore creativity, momentum and moving toward a particular aim in today’s episode, from the perspective of looking back and drawing on past experiences to gain momentum to move forward.
Pic of Brenna for reference since I never STFU about her existence:
In a world that’s always focused on the next big thing, we forget to look back and celebrate what we’ve already accomplished. A Fat Stacks Inventory List helps you see your progress and draw on it for motivation when you need a boost.
Think of your online journey like an iceberg. The surface level—like posting content, learning to lip sync, or nailing that green screen—is only a fraction of what’s really going on. Underneath is the deep work: building confidence, facing fears, and strengthening your relationship with your creativity. Your list honours both layers. And if it doesn’t I’d strongly suggest you make some additions so that it does.
From my perspective of working with folks who dabble in the business of being online, and being one myself, the final boss of the under-the-surface stuff is radical self-acceptance. Because as RuPaul famously says, “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”
At its core, this inventory list is a master document of every win, milestone, and proud moment you’ve had along your journey. The “fat stacks” come from recognizing that you have a wealth of experiences to pull from, whether they’re professional successes, personal victories, or moments of resilience.
This list is all about spiraling upward with easy wins that remind you of your strengths and skills. Think of it as a way to keep yourself floating—even when entrepreneurship feels like a series of belly flops.
Begin with a basic list in a Notes app, document, or journal—anywhere that’s easy to access and update. Capture everything you’re proud of, from landing your first client to finishing a project that challenged you.
If you want to take it a step further, try turning your list into an art project! Here are a few ideas:
This is one I did in 2020, during my first 9 months in online business. In the pod I mention hitting big milestones of first $5K day and first $10K month in December of 2020. I went from never making a sale to a stranger on the internet to becoming the breadwinner for my family during that time. Here’s a few more highlights that are not big money milestones that still mattered greatly, plus I kept a note for every person I served that year, too:
My recent experience with this one was so deeply impactful! As the saying goes, “decay become fertilizer for this next spring”, it’s always adding up. I added present day commentary about each project to the portfolio and I’m looking forward to my prospective clients having the opportunity to learn more about my approach to my work through these comments.
Don’t hold back! This is where you capture those major achievements, like hitting a revenue goal, launching a new offer, or collaborating with a dream client. Truthfully, I think everything is worthy of being “big milestone” status so I’ll leave you to sort and order how to categorize these things with the caveat: it doesn’t really matter how you group these things, just that you note them!
Include the little things, too—like positive feedback from a client, a successful social media post, or even just sticking with a habit. Small wins add up, and they’re all part of your journey.
Victories are great and your list is also a record of resilience. Add any obstacles you’ve overcome or challenges you’ve faced can be celebrated here. Acknowledging these moments is just as important as celebrating the wins.
Every moment you’ve lived and every experience you’ve had adds value to who you are and what you bring to your work. Your Fat Stacks Inventory list is proof that you’re always accumulating experience and that it’s worth something.
Your Fat Stacks Inventory List is a reminder that everything you’ve done is a building block. Use it to push through tough times, gain confidence in new challenges, and reconnect with your creativity whenever you need it.
Your journey is worth celebrating! So go ahead, start your own Fat Stacks Inventory List. Capture every win, every lesson, and every step. If you create one, I’d love to hear about your experience! Feel free to reach out or share your list if you’d like.
Thanks for tuning in, and here’s to all the “fat stacks” you’re racking up with each step forward. Catch you next time!